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Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Yesterday, has a telephone interview with the artist mwanadada Rayuu alaice Bungenzi disciplines related to what is written on the networks and in various websites. 

In the interview they were able to find four elements as follows:


1. Hajawai photography vacuum and distribution to gain popularity

Speaking with an emphasis Rayuu has said that he never photographed vacuum and distributed on the Internet for gaining popularity.

"I have never been distributing pictures of vacuum to inherit fame, thepicture actually is mine and if you looked at it properly is not a picture of the vacuum as people say (?????), is the picture I have just taken on my phone to look tattoo me I yochora waist but there are my friends who took the phone I know me and who are spread from there and everybody working on the story, known to him "he said.

2. Hafahamiani and do not wai to see and do Utah for over many years

Rayuu has said that he never met and do not Utah, and not strangers to him personally and are wondering too why mwanadada this is polluting on his blog. 

"Ideally mi do strangers and Sintah, and do not we ever see each other for a period very deep, is now wondering why he defile and insult me on his blog.There is a period I get tired I started to answer but then I thought it best childhood shall I forbear first to see if it stops but I wonder not grow. 

THIS mi sister I do not muelewi fact, he quarreled with everyone, I feel he can fight about even with the mouse. The first is a very adult to me. 

I remember when mi I know he kashakuwa teyari popular with the pulley skendo for Juma nature and I was still very young. Sa do not know why not grow. Every day he insulted on his blog but do not worry. "... He Rayuu 

3. The late Mzee is particularly impatient person who admitted him to the art

Many people do not know that the deceased elder who admit bald Rayuu on art. Rayuu said he remembers one day a group of Kaole were going to record their role local home deep Rayuu and saw he followed the old bald and explain his intentions and that he sends to introduce him to a group of Kaole and start getting the opportunity to perform and practice the group there. 

4 . Not very person from eating "duck" very ill the next day

Rayuu has said he is not the man to leave and love to club as many think but are very interested in winning as doing so tomorrow it should aumwe day

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